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Nickel prices continued to pull back in the morning, and the spot market was difficult to trade [SMM nickel spot afternoon review]

iconMay 22, 2024 19:57
On May 22, Jinchuan premium was reported at 600-800 yuan/ton, with an average price of 700 yuan/ton, and the average price was flat compared with the previous trading day.

SMM May 22: On May 22, Jinchuan premium reported 600-800 yuan/ton, the average price was 700 yuan/ton, the average price was flat compared with the previous trading day, and the Russian nickel premium price was -600 to -300 yuan/ton, the average price was -450 yuan/ton, and the average price was increased by 100 yuan/ton compared with the previous trading day. This morning, the market has pulled back with the non-ferrous market, but the overall is still at a recent high, and the downstream demand has not increased significantly, so the spot market is difficult to trade. Today's nickel bean price is 154,200-154,700 yuan/ton, an increase of 750 yuan/ton from the spot price of the previous trading day, and the price difference between nickel beans and nickel sulfate today is about 8,086.4 yuan/ton. (The price of nickel sulfate is 8086.4 yuan/ton lower than the price of nickel beans).


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